Vacation Home Rentals (VHR)

VHR License (Effective June 26, 2024)

A VHR License is required for all VHRs within Pennington County outside the jurisdiction of an incorporated municipality.

There is no minimum lot size required for obtaining a VHR License.

VHRs are allowed in agriculture, commercial and residential zoning districts.  This includes some PUDs.

VHRs are prohibited in industrial zoning districts.

A VHR is prohibited if any portion of the dwelling is located within the floodway boundaries.

Only one VHR is allowed per lot, unless the the dwelling is a multi-family dwelling/apartment or the dwelling is located in a commercial zoning district.

The maximum number of bedrooms allowed in a VHR is five (5).

The maximum occupancy is 14 guests or the maximum number of guests allowed based on the size of the existing onsite wastewater treatment system serving the VHR, whichever is smaller. 

A VHR License in not effective (operation can begin) until 21 days following the approval date of the License.

VHR Section 319 Requirements (Effective 06-26-24)

VHR License Application

License Fee:  $150.00 every three years.

Fines for Operating a VHR without a License: 

     A fine of $200.00 per day (from the date of notice) will be assessed for advertising a VHR without a License.
     A fine of $250.00 per day (from the date of notice) will be assessed for violating any other requirements of PCZO § 319.                                                                                 

Please contact the Planning Department staff at or (605) 394-2186 with any questions.