A full continuum of services is offered to adults age 18 and over and families afflicted with substance use disorders and/or mental health conditions. Our agency believes in a “No Wrong Door” approach. Our philosophy is that addiction is a disease; although not curable, it is treatable and one can live a lifestyle of recovery. Our goal is to assist individuals and/or families in improving their quality of life through individualized and “client‑/family‑driven” treatment planning based on their identified strengths, problems, and needs. Counseling staff members are highly trained in evidenced‑based practices and utilize research‑based curricula.
Addiction Treatment Services at the Care Campus operates at 321 Kansas City St. and provides Residential/Outpatient services, Safe Solutions, and Detox Services. This facility is accredited by the State of South Dakota Division of Behavioral Health through the Department of Social Services.
Services provided include Treatment Needs Assessments (TNAs), DUI(1) evaluations, 12‑hour DUI classes, MRT (Moral Reconation Therapy) classes, CBISA (Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for Substance Abuse) classes, Crisis and Early Intervention, Social‑Setting Detox, Intensive Outpatient and Residential Treatment, and Long‑Term Specialized Methamphetamine/Opiate Day Treatment.
Our staff members use a multi‑disciplinary team approach. Staffing includes our Medical Director, State‑Certified Chemical Dependency Counselors, Registered Nurses, and Emergency Medical Technicians. Staff members can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide assistance regarding an admission or crisis situation. If there is a client need that our facility cannot address, a referral will be made to the appropriate resource within the community.
We would like to share our vision by accepting the human spirit without reservation or condition. We are here to assist in recovery; facilitate growth in intimacy with one’s self, family, and all relationships; and to afford the opportunity to experience wellness and fullness through sobriety.