Surviving Spouse Benefits
There are two different types of Surviving Spouse benefits - Dependent Indemnity Compensation (DIC) or Survivor's Pension.
Read below for information and required documents needed when filing for one of these benefits. 
Dependent Indemnity Compensation:
If you are the surviving spouse of a veteran, you may qualify for this benefit. In most cases, the veteran must have passed away from a service connected condition, or held the disability rating of 100% Permanent and Total for at least 10 years prior to their death. There are other situations a surviving spouse may qualify. Make an appointment with our office to discuss details.
 Documents Required for this benefit application:  
  • DD214
  • Marriage Certificate
  • Death Certificate 



Survivor's Pension:

If you are the surviving spouse of a wartime veteran you may qualify for monthly payments from the VA if you meet certain income and net worth limits. Make an appointment with our office to discuss. 

Required documents for this benefit application: 

  • DD214
  • Death Certificate
  • Marriage Certificate
  • Statements of any income you receive
  • Documents showing medical expenses that you do not receive reimbursement for