You have hazardous chemicals at home!
Thousands of chemicals are used by industries every day to produce goods we use. While many of these chemicals provide great benefits, their use also involves potential risks. Hazardous chemicals are present throughout our community for use in business, but what about the ones found in our homes and garages?-
Which ones are hazardous?
What's the best way to store them?
How does a home-owner dispose of them properly without harming the environment?
How can I identify a hazardous household chemical?
Hazardous household chemicals will have signal words on the label like Caution, Warning, Danger or Poison.- CAUTION shows that the product could hurt you, but it is less harmful than products with the Danger or Warning signal word.
- WARNING is less strong than Danger, but it still means that you could get very sick or become seriously hurt. Warning is also used to identify products that can easily catch on fire.
- DANGER indicates that greater precaution should be taken. Accidental exposure of the eye or skin to the undiluted product could cause tissue damage or the material could ignite if exposed to an open flame.
- POISON is the strongest indication of a hazard. It can be found on lye, some car care items (e.g., antifreeze), and insecticides. If you see "Poison" on the packaging, you might find "Contents of this product are harmful or fatal if swallowed."
Safe Storage of Chemicals
Guidelines for safe storage of hazardous household chemicals:-
Use non-toxic products when possible.
Read the label and follow the directions
Wear gloves and protective clothing if product is harmful when in contact with the skin.
Wear goggles if product can harm the eyes.
- Stop using the product if you become dizzy, sick to your stomach, or develop a headache.
- For proper ventilation, it is best to use chemicals outdoors.
- Do not smoke when using flammable products.
- Never mix household products. Toxic fumes or explosions may result.
- Store compatible products together.
- See your health care provider immediately if you suspect you have been poisoned or injured due to exposure to a household chemical.
Proper Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste
Learn about the proper disposal of Household Hazardous chemicals found in your home that do not belong in the trash and how to "pitch" them the right way. Call Rapid City Landfill at 605.394.3496 for information about the disposal of Household Hazardous Chemicals.Household Hazardous Chemical FREE Disposal events occur in our area usually every two years.
Learn what kinds of chemicals can be brought to the Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) FREE event.
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