Construction & BMP

Storm Water Plan - Construction & Best Management Practice

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The Storm Water Management Plan is jointly managed by the Planning Department and Highway Department.

Do you need a Pennington County Construction Permit?

All land-disturbing activities, including clearing, grading, stockpiling, and excavation that disturb 10,000 square feet or more requires a Pennington County Construction Permit. 

Do you need a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Storm Water Construction Permit?

All land-disturbing activities, including clearing, grading, and excavation that disturb 1 or more acres are required to be covered under the South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources NPDES construction storm water permit prior to land disturbance.

What is a BMP?

A BMP (Best Management Practice) is a method used to prevent or control storm water runoff and the discharge of pollutants, including sediment, into local waterbodies.  Silt fences, inlet protection and site-stabilization techniques are typical BMPs on a construction site.  BMP and final stabilization requirements can be found in the Pennington County Storm Water Quality Manual.