Commission Meeting Overview
The Pennington County Board of Commissioners typically meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month.
Meeting Times & Locations: The regularly scheduled meetings are held at 9:00 am in the Commission Chambers on the first floor of the Pennington County Administration Building located at 130 Kansas City Street, Rapid City, SD.
Open Meetings Law: All meetings are advertised and held in accordance with the South Dakota Codified Open Meetings Law 1-25.
Agendas: The meeting agenda is typically on the website the Thursday afternoon before the Tuesday meeting. Printed agendas are available at the meeting or in the Commission Office.
Minutes: Minutes for the meetings of the Board of Commissioners are the official record of the meetings and will be posted online and available for public viewing in accordance with state law.
Consent Agendas: The consent agenda is designed to include non-controversial items that can be dealt with swiftly with one motion. However, any Commissioner or citizen can ask to have an item removed from the consent agenda to be dealt with as a regular agenda item.
Public Comment: Every official meeting includes a public comment period called 'Items from the Public' for citizens to address any issue that is not part of the meeting’s official agenda or public hearing. The Board of Commissioners welcomes public comment on policies and issues affecting County government and its operations. Public comments shall be germane to the services or policies of the County. Action will not be taken during this item on any issues brought forth that are not properly noticed on the agenda. Speaker requests forms are required to speak under "Items from the Public". The name and area of interest of the speaker will be recorded in the meeting minutes. The public comment policy can be found here.
To be placed on the agenda: If you would like to have an item added to the Commission meeting agenda, please complete and submit an agenda item submission request to the Commission Office.
Speaker Request Form: If you wish to speak to the Commission regarding an item on an agenda, please complete a speaker request form and return it to Commission Office Staff prior to the start of the meeting.
YouTube Live Stream: Pennington County offers a live stream of the Board of County Commissioner's Meetings. You can watch the meetings live by visiting the County's YouTube Channel here. If you experience any technical issues, please send an email to with the specific details of the issue you were experiencing.
Agendas, Minutes, and Video