National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) Lavender Ribbon Report and Best Practice Awareness Posters

We would like to thank the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) for providing the Lavender Ribbon Report and the supporting documents found below.

Lavender Ribbon Report - National Volunteer Fire Council (

Cancer is a serious health threat facing today’s firefighters. Studies have shown that firefighters have an increased risk of developing several types of cancers, due to the occupational hazards they face. However, there are steps firefighters can take to protect themselves and their crew.

The National Volunteer Fire Council and International Association of Fire Chiefs’ Volunteer and Combination Officers Section released the Lavender Ribbon Report to present 11 specific actions firefighters need to take to lessen their risk of occupational cancer. Make these standard operating procedures in your department.

Download the Lavender Ribbon Report

The Lavender Ribbon Report Update, released in September 2021, takes things a step further by sharing personal stories, examples of how departments are implementing the best practices, and other information to reinforce the actions firefighters need to take to lessen their exposure risks.

Download the Lavender Ribbon Report Update

Use these reports in tandem to make yourself, your crew, and your department safer and reduce exposure risks. Utilize the corresponding posters as a reminder to all firefighters to take these life-saving actions.



Awareness Posters: