WSDJSC protects the safety and constitutional rights of juveniles and seeks a balance between expression of individual rights and preservation of facility order.
Detainees have the right:
- To be protected from personal abuse, corporal punishment, personal injury, disease, property damage, and harassment. This includes the attitude or behavior of an employee or other detainee toward the complainant, which is perceived to be unjustified or unreasonable.
- To reside in a clean, well ordered environment.
- To have access to programs and services with respect to facility rules and regulations.
- To be free from discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, sex, disability or political views.
- To be allowed freedom in personal grooming/dress, except when a valid interest justifies otherwise.
- To visit and correspond with your family, members of the court system, legal counselors, and news media in keeping with facility rules and regulations.
- To receive medical attention and other physician ordered treatment.
- To be made aware of all detainee rights, rules and regulation, and disciplinary procedures and consequences during detainee orientation. This includes an existing policy, procedure or condition in the WSDJSC, which he/she perceives to be harmful or injurious to his/her welfare or safety. The absence of policy and procedure dealing with conditions or routines which, because of their absence, create a perception the existing conditions or routines may to be harmful or injurious to the welfare or safety of the complainant.
- To grieve, in writing, any alleged violations of any of the detainee rights.
WITH RIGHTS COMES RESPONSIBILITY: Detainees are obligated to extend these same rights to others. This requires active participation. Example: A clean room will be provided to detainees upon your admission. It is the detainee's responsibility to maintain cleanliness.