Ordinances Related to Planning & Zoning

The following Pennington County Ordinances pertain specifically to Planning and Zoning issues:

  •  Building Code and Construction Ordinance


Note: Some Planning and Zoning Ordinances require permits as described within each specific permit or application.




Proposed Ordinance Amendments

Below are proposed Ordinance Amendments.  Please provide any comments to the proposed amendments by emailing them to plz@pennco.org or calling the Planning Department at (605) 394-2186.  Copies of the amendments are available in the Planning and Zoning Office located at 130 Kansas City Street, Suite 200, Rapid City, SD 57701.


Proposed Ordinance Amendments

Section 321 - Hard Rock Mining

Ordinance 741 - A Temporary Zoning Ordinance Regulating Utility Scale Alternative Energy in Pennington County