Project Plan

Pennington County Fire Protection and Mt Pine Beetle Suppression Project 2012 - 2013

The overall goal of this project is to assist private landowners and homeowners in fire-sensitive ecosystems to increase the protection of people and property from wildfire caused by the devastating effects of mountain pine beetle (MPB) infestations. Ponderosa Pine trees that become infested with MPB pose a higher fire risk to property owners, their property and emergency responders. This project will identify areas of high concentration of MPB within Pennington County. These identified areas will receive priority control action plans. The project will focus on "holding" the spread of MPB by "cutting and chunking" infested trees so to reduce the amount of developing beetle brood, specifically targeted at the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI). The management practices will include: 1) the creation of 300 foot buffers of "cut and chunk" infested MPB trees as a control practice on Forest Service administered lands adjacent to private land; 2) creation of 200 foot buffers of cut and chunk infested MPB trees and hazard trees along selected county and arterial Forest Service road right-of-ways (ROWs) to ensure clear evacuation routes; 3) cut and chunk infested MPB trees as a control practice in active and future timber sales in conjunction with timber sale purchaser and Forest Service sale administrator or Forest Service Representative (FSR); and 4) creation of shaded fuel breaks to protect selected communities and population bases. These actions will slow the spread of fire and MPB on private lands and will help private landowners with the high cost of beneficial suppression and prevention actions. Pennington County will organize a coordinated cooperative effort between Pennington County, South Dakota Department of Agriculture (SDDA), Black Hills National Forest (BHNF) and municipalities within the MPB suppression project boundary (property within Pennington County that lay west the road boundaries of Haines Ave to I-90 to Elk Vale RD to South Highway 79).

Private Land

SDDA will coordinate and organize the survey and cost-share program on privately owned land within Pennington County. Priority areas will be areas within Pennington County the SDDA state forester has identified as MPB areas of high priority for survey and control. Landowners or group of landowners owning ten acres or more will be eligible to have their property surveyed for MPB infested trees at their request. SDDA will offer reimbursement to landowners with MPB infested trees and will be eligible for cost-share on the incurred control costs up to set limits. Private landowners outside of SDDA priority areas (or a group of adjacent landowners) owning ten acres or more in Pennington County and inside the MPB suppression project boundary will be eligible to sign up to have property surveyed for MPB infested trees. Surveys on their property will be coordinated by SDDA. Landowners outside the priority areas with MPB infested trees may be eligible for reimbursement.

300FT Private Land Buffers

300ft private land buffers will be identified and surveyed on forest service administered lands adjacent to private land in conjunction with the BHNF and private landowner. These buffers will be created next to private landowners in Pennington County that have been actively controlling MPB infested trees on their property.  The buffer areas will be determined by Pennington County and BHNF. Pennington County will identify and survey MPB infested trees within the buffers. Once the MPB infested trees have been identified and surveyed the county, infested trees will be cut-and-chunked by sawyers under contact with the county. Buffers will be surveyed and cut as funding amounts permit.

200FT Right-of-Way Buffers

200ft ROWs buffers will be identified and surveyed on road ROWs adjacent to forest service administered lands and private lands in conjunction with Pennington County, BHNF and private landowner. These buffers will be created in ROWs that are critical emergency evacuation routes. The buffer areas will be determined by Pennington County and BHNF. Pennington County will identify and survey MPB infested trees within the buffers. Once the MPB infested and hazard trees have been identified and surveyed the county, infested and hazard trees will be cut-and-chunked by sawyers under contact with the county. Buffers will be surveyed and cut as funding amounts permit.

Timber Sales

The county may coordinate with timber sale owners on the BHNF to do cut-and-chunk control practices on MPB infested trees in active and future sale areas. These areas will be determined by the county, timber sale purchaser, and BHNF. Pennington County will identify and survey MPB infested trees within the areas. Once the MPB infested trees have been identified and surveyed, the infested trees will be cut-and-chunked by sawyers under contact with the county. Areas will be surveyed and cut as funding amounts permit.

Shaded Fuel Breaks

The county may coordinate with communities to create 300ft shaded fuel breaks on BHNF administer property. The fuel break areas will be determined by Pennington County, community and BHNF. The fuel break prescription will be defined in collaboration with the BHNF on a site specific case-by-case basis.

Preventive Tree Spraying

Preventive tree spraying reimbursement program may be offered for landowners owning property in the highest MPB infested areas in Pennington County according to the most current state, county, and aerial surveys. Private landowners within the identified area may be eligible for cost-share reimbursement from Pennington County on ponderosa trees sprayed by a certified commercial applicator.


Funding for the Pennington County, SD 2012-2013 Mountain Pine Beetle Suppression Project will come from Pennington County’s Title III funding under the Secure Rural Schools Act by approval of the Pennington County Commissioners and Title II funds approved by the Pennington County Resource Advisory Committee. Other funding sources may be identified to help carry out the project.


Exceptions or changes to the plan are subject to approval from the Pennington County Commissioners.

Approved this 9th day of November, 2012

Pennington County Commission

Lyndell Petersen, Chairman