BH District School
When:Black Hills District Fire School - Fall 2022
Date: 10/8/2022
Time: 07:00 AM
Location: Box Elder Fire Station
120 Box Elder Rd, Box Elder SD 57719-9579
For more information on the event: https://members.sdfirefighters.org/event-calendar/Details/black-hills-district-school-fall-2022-759918?sourceTypeId=EmailInvitation
There is no cost for registration, however a $10 donation is requested to cover meal costs.
INFO/REGISTRATION: Eric Chase (605) 517-0149 or email @ emchase105@gmail.com
- 0800-0830 Welcome at the Box Elder Fire Station and start of classes
- 0830-1200 1st half of Fire Building Ventilation
- 0830-1200 Training Strategies
1200-1300 Business Meeting / Elections / Lunch
President, President elect. South director, North director and State rep.
- 1300-1700 2nd half/Finish Fire Building Ventilation
- 1300-1700 Handline Management