2024 Eastern SD Wildland Fire Academy - Tea, SD (Registration deadline - April 3rd)
When:Register online at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4DAAA729A6FDC25-47711115-eastern
- RT-130, ANNUAL FIRELINE SAFETY REFRESHER TRAINING – (4 hrs.) The four hour Annual Fireline Safety Refresher will provide up to date fireline safety information for firefighters holding Incident Command System qualifications requiring this training per PMS 310-1, Wildland Fire Qualification System Guide. Two (2) four hour sessions. Friday evening at the Tea City Hall and Sunday afternoon at the Tea Area Middle School.
- S-190, INTRODUCTION TO WILDLAND FIRE BEHAVIOR – (6-8 hrs.) This course provides instruction in the primary factors affecting the start and spread of wildfire and recognition of potentially hazardous situations. It is designed to meet the fire behavior needs of a firefighter type 2 (FFT2) on an incident as outlined in PMS 310.1. Class begins at 6:00 pm at the Tea Fire Hall.
- S-130, FIREFIGHTER TRAINING – (30-35 1/2 hrs.) The intent of this course is to train new wildland firefighters in basic firefighting skills. This includes a required field exercise that may be arduous in nature (Please bring appropriate PPE). L-180, Human Factors on the Fireline, is no longer included as part of this course. The L-180 course will now be presented as a standalone course. This can be accomplished through attendance at an Instructor-Lead version of the course or completing the Self-Directed (Online) version of the course. Review the specifics at: https://www.nwcg.gov/publications/training-courses/l-180/course-delivery. Class is both Saturday and Sunday at the Tea Fire Hall.
- S-212, WILDLAND FIRE CHAINSAWS – (24-36 hrs.) This is an instructor-led course intended to be presented at the local level. The lessons provide introduction to the function, maintenance and use of internal combustion engine powered chainsaws, and their tactical wildland fire application. Field exercises support entry level training for firefighters with little or no previous experience in operating a chainsaw, providing hands-on cutting experience in surroundings similar to fireline situations. Please bring a chainsaw and appropriate PPE. Must be qualified as a Firefighter Type 2. Pre-course work required and can be found at: https://www.nwcg.gov/publications/training-courses/s-212/course-materials Class runs Friday to Sunday at the Tea City Hall.
- S-219, FIRING OPERATIONS – (16 hrs.) This course was developed using a blended approach to learning. Students are required to complete the online training portion of the course prior to the in-person class. The course introduces the roles and responsibilities of a Firing Boss, Single Resource, and outlines duties of other personnel who may engage firing operations. The course discusses and illustrates common firing devices and techniques. The course provides students with important information regarding general tasks required to be successful. Must be qualified as a Firefighter Type 2. The Blended Course Work is available in the NWCG Wildland Fire Learning Portal (WFLP). Log on as a guest to search for this course or go to https://wildlandfirelearningportal.net/course/view.php?id=593. Saturday to Sunday at the Tea Middle School.
- L-280, Followership to Leadership – (16 hrs.) This training course is designed as a self-assessment opportunity for individuals preparing to step into a leadership role. The course combines one day of classroom instruction followed by a second day in the field with students working through a series of problem solving events in small teams (Field Leadership Assessment Course). Topics include leadership values and principles, transition challenges for new leaders, situational leadership, team cohesion factors, ethical decision-making, and after action review techniques. Please read Leading in the Wildland Fire Service, PMS 494-2, as the pre-course work prior to attending the course. Saturday to Sunday at the Tea Middle School.