Events & Training Calendar

SD Fire Chief's Annual Leadership Conference - Deadwood, SD


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SAVE THE DATE! - The 2024 SD Fire Chiefs Association Annual Leadership Conference will be held December 6th-8th, 2024

EXHIBITORS/VENDORS/SPONSORS - Look for an invite and registration for you to open roughly early September timeframe, we aim to have Exhibitor/Vendor/Sponsor opportunities locked in and spoken for prior to opening registration to attendees so that all advertising and marketing is in place ahead of Attendee Registration

ATTENDEES - Look for an invite and registration to open roughly early October timeframe

SD Fire Chiefs Association Annual Leadership Conference - All are welcome!  You do not need to be an officer to attend!  All are welcome and encouraged to attend, 100% Volunteer, Combination and Career.  This conference is geared for Fire Departments of all sizes from the smallest volunteer departments to large career departments.

Hello and welcome to the 2024 South Dakota Fire Chiefs Leadership Conference.  We are please to say we are back at Cadillac Jacks for another conference.  

We hope to see all of you here again, and bring a few new faces as well.  This is not just for chiefs, but also for up and comers in your organizations.  All ARE WELCOME!

 Click Here to Download .pdf of Tentative Schedule

Keynote Presentations From:

Brain R. Brauer, RN Ed.D. - Dr. Brauer leads the emergency management funtion at a large public state university where his responsibilities include reducing the campus community's vulnerability to extreme events, promoting campus safety and resiliency, mitigating emergencies, and ensuring continuity of operations and recover efforts following a disaster.

He has over three decades of experience in public safety as a first responder and incident commander, including twenty years at a state fire academy.  He works internationally chairing a non-profit emergency responder accrediting body and has led the strategic planning process for an international organization.

Brian's work has been featured internationally in presentations, interview, and webinars, He has been published in joournals, white papers, international training standards and federal publications.  He continues to research the impact of leadership and culture on organizational change.

Brauer holds degrees in nursing, education and leadership.  His doctoral dissertation was a case study of a fire department that changed because of a fire-ground death.

  • Introduction and overview of the Trinity Model
  • Leading through your organization's Values, Mission, Vision, Methods, and Examples
  • Organizational Culture and Change
  • Effective Communications
  • Application of the Trinity Model to case study.

The Trinity Model takes your organization's leaders through a model to explore how organizational culture & change and effective communication must be applied for leaders to influence their organizations fully.

This workshop will define the above concepts and demonstrate their relationships to leadership influence. For each topic, the student will leave with a tool which they can use to apply the model to issues in their workplace. The class will be interactive and draw upon real-world examples in the fire service. The program will impart participants with a model they can employ with their team to grow as a leader through improving communication and organizational culture.

Chuck Matson - Chuck Matson is a former International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Drug Evaluation and Classification Programs (DECP), Drug Recognition Experts (DRE) Section Chair.

He is an often-sought speaker and instructor on subjects related to drug impairment. He has received international recognition for his science based seminars and boasts that nobody has even fallen asleep when he speaks.  Chuck served as a police officer for twenty-nine years with the Omaha (NE) Police Department. After his retirement he relocated to the scenic Black Hills in South Dakota, where he voluntarily instructs for the Great Faces, Great Places State’s DRE Training. He is also an Adjunct Instructor for the SD Law Enforcement Training Academy.

  • Is it Drug Related – recognizing psychoactive chemical use and behaviors at 911 calls

Fasten your seatbelts for this awakening excursion focusing on various appearance, behavior, performance, and autonomic responses that occur with being under-the-influence of mind-altering substances. In this session we will take an important step in better understanding human physiology and how psychoactive chemicals change the functioning of the Central Nervous System.