About Us

Our Mission:
Promoting safety and justice to improve the quality of life in our community.

Our Vision:

  • To touch and accept the human spirit without reservation or condition.
  • To assist in recovery and recognition of one's own dignity and worth.
  • To facilitate growth of intimacy with one's self, family, and all relationships.
  • To afford the opportunity to experience wellness and fullness...through sobriety.

State Accreditation
The Care Campus is accredited by the State of South Dakota Division of Behavioral Health.  The current accreditation certificate is valid from January 1, 2017, through December 31, 2019. Click here to view the current accreditation certificate.

The Care Campus operates in Rapid City. Our facility is accredited by the State of South Dakota Division of Behavioral Health through the Department of Social Services.

Services provided include Treatment Needs Assessments (TNAs), DUI(1) evaluations, 12‑hour DUI classes, MRT (Moral Reconation Therapy) classes, CBISA (Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for Substance Abuse) classes, Crisis and Early Intervention, Social‑Setting Detox, Intensive Outpatient and Residential Treatment, Half‑Way House/Transitional Services, and Long‑Term Specialized Methamphetamine/Opiate Day Treatment.

Our staff members use a multi‑disciplinary team approach. Staffing includes our Medical Director, State‑Certified Chemical Dependency Counselors, Registered Nurses, and Emergency Medical Technicians. Staff members can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide assistance regarding an admission or crisis situation. If there is a client need that our facility cannot address, a referral will be made to the appropriate resource within the community.


Populations to be Served

It is the intent of the Division of Behavioral Health to fund services in South Dakota for residents living in South Dakota. It is the Division's expectation that state funds be targeted to those citizens of South Dakota in need of substance abuse disorder and gambling treatment services.

Priority Populations

Target populations to be served under the contract with the Division of Behavioral Health, in order of priority for State and Federal funds paid to the agency, and in accordance with 45 CFR96.124 and 45 CFR96.131, are as follows:

Pregnant Women

  • Agencies must ensure that each pregnant woman in the state who seeks or is referred for and would benefit from treatment is given preference in admissions to treatment facilities receiving block grant funds.
  • Pregnant women who are also Intravenous Drug Users are the highest priority for services.

Intravenous Drug Users

  • The agency shall identify individuals in need of treatment for those intravenous drug abuse and encourage the individuals to undergo treatment for such abuse.